One woman, one dog, and a dream

Starr has a lifelong passion for nature and environmentalism. Through life experience and studies, Starr found that the most satisfying way for her to have a positive impact on the land, people and planet, was to start her own regenerative farm.

Starr thought her dream farm was far off in the future, but happenstance lead her to 633 Atlantic Ave. With no previous intention of buying property and no knowledge of what home ownership entails, Starr bought her first house that would become her urban farm in December 2018.


Starr has traveled the world and lived in Egypt and Canada, but she is happy to be back in Minnesota putting down roots. She has worked as the Land Stewardship Coordinator for the Duluth Community Garden Program for five years now, and continues working that position as she manages Saltless Sea.

Jupiter is an Egyptian street mutt turned Minnesota farm dog. She too has lived all over the world, but is most comfortable at home with the people and animals she knows best.

Jupiter is the model for the Saltless Sea logo.


In Starr’s 2nd year of farming, her boyfriend and his two young boys moved in making Saltless Sea a proper family farm. The boys brought another dog, and Starr adopted a husky to add to the farm dog pack!

Starr is excited to continue bringing her unique colorful and flavorful produce to Duluth.

In addition to the farm family, pictured is Starr’s sister and mother, both avid farm supporters.